Saturday 27 September 2014

my first partime

23 november 2014 

This is my first part time that i have do. Yes, im children lover.I have do my part time at one of taska in nilai.  And I enjoy my job actually. However, I have do my job because of I need some money to buy some present.=) 
At the first day,In my working moment that I have do some of work, which is mopping the floor, swap the floor, wash a dish, give the children a food, i am really enjoy with that work....And i am really tired. at that day, I was sleep early...on the other hand we as a worker have been given for lunch and also a breakfast.see, I can save my money right now...hehehehehe. Below is the environment when they are sleep after a quit and so peaceful.

Before this I have only one of my work experience.Which is I work as a cashier at the canteen Sekolah Kebangsaan Merapoh.i just work for three month. And six hour per day. It is not really as working at taska.
One of the girl is really nice. She about 2 to 3 year old. She also very clever, she like to learn. if we ask her about the book she really excited. and follow us. Because she want to learn, her name is Zara. i miss her.
There she is,very nice.

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